Tuesday, September 08, 2009

republican commies in the US - your time has passed

First they had Sarah Palin. Then George Bush showed us all that he was the biggest commie ever when he bailed out the banks and dinosaur car companies. Remember that many republicans even believe in 'god' and 'creationism'. These people ae SICK.

Then it all got wiped out by Obama, a hero of the right. He stands for all the things decent people believe in. Individual responsibility, business, education, culture, a decent society.

Today he gave a keynote speech to kids that they should stay at school and educate themselves. He warned that if they drop out they will end up as useless, commie, benefit SCUM.

So how do the republicans react? By claiming that this is spreading SOCIALISM!!!

We need to nuke every republican hippy on the planet, the same way we got rid of the commies. Republicans no doubt believe that kids should leave school at 11, read their bible (if they are indeed able to read), take drugs, smoke and claim their dole money every fortnight. Republicans are the last commies on earth, and should be culled. They want us all to be useless and pathetic.

If you are a republican and you've found this site - FUCK off and crawl under a stone with your benefits-claiming hippy christian commie scum friends. You are already dead. Sieg Heil.
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Thursday, September 03, 2009

barely believable

Over the last couple of days it's been all over the news.

'Giant oilfield discovered in the Gulf of Mexico!!!'

Shell shares go up 2% on the day. Peak Oil is over!

There was no mention of the size of this oilfield so I did some searching.

Amazingly this 'giant' oilfield, the saviour of globalisation and the rubbishing of Peak Oil is expected to produce - wait for it!!! - 600 million to 900 million barrels of oil. In other words, at current consumption rates (about 82 million barrels a day), 11 days worth!!

This says a lot about how deep the crisis is. That such a tiny and inconsequential find should set the markets alight and warrant 2nd or 3rd headline on the news shows how serious our situation is.

This is the biggest find this year. To keep the oil flowing we really need to make a discovery as large as this every fortnight ...
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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

the age of stupid!!

Last month, for the first time, more money was paid back in mortgages than paid out.

Unbelievably the BBC were reporting this as BAD news! This is the best economic news I've heard in months. It means that individuals and families are at last claiming their lives back, gaining control over their own economic future.

When will the BBC and other leftist snivellers realise the world has changed? That their wonderful proletarian equal socialist consumer hell is beginning to wind down? That the hold over normal people of these great social reformist bankers is beginning to fade, that the move towards strong local communities financed through hard work and thrift rather than borrowing is gaining pace every day.

The financial crises of 2007 were not only the death knell for globalisation but for consumer socialism too. We're gaining more freedom every day.
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